
15 beautiful Scottish words and phrases that are bound to make you smile

Life is hard and sometimes we all need a bit of encouragement or cheering up.

If you're wanting a smile on your face, look no further than the Scots language. For centuries, people in Scotland have spoken and written some of the most beautiful and memorable words and phrases that are still remembered to this day.

Whether you need a 'coorie' with a loved one or need to remind yourself that 'whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye', here are 15 Scottish words and phrases that will hopefully make you feel better.

If you are from Scotland, you will have no doubt heard at least a few of these words and sayings. You may even be familiar with all of them. Even if you are, nothing will cheer you up quite like reciting some of these beautiful Scottish words and phrases.

It's gaein be awricht ance the pain has gane awa

This literally translates to 'it is going to be alright once the pain has gone away'. It basically means that everything is going to be ok, and you are going to get through whatever difficulty you are currently dealing with.


This cute Scots word means 'to cuddle or nestle in', especially when it is cold. With the temperature dropping lately, you may be using this one more than you thought you would in the middle of spring.


Meaning 'mettle', 'determination', 'drive', or 'spirit', this is a good word to remember if you are currently going through hard times and need to pick yourself up.

We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns

Believed to originate in the Lowlands of Scotland, this phrase translates to 'We are all Jack (John) Thomson's children'.

If you're confused, Reverend John Thomson was a beloved minister of Duddingston Kirk in the 19th century who called his congregation 'ma bairns' — so the phrase basically means that we're all human beings.


Sometimes nothing can put a smile on your face like some pretty scenery and we're obviously not short of it in Scotland. The word 'gloaming' refers to twilight or dusk when things are particularly picturesque.


If you say 'smourich' really fast, it sounds a bit like 'smooch' — which is exactly what this word means.

Failin means yer playin

If you are feeling like a failure or that you can't get anything right, this phrase is an important one to remember. Translating to 'failing means you're playing', it means that even taking part or making an attempt at something is impressive.


If you've spent any time in Scotland, you'll surely know that scran means food. Sometimes, it is the little joys that get you through the day, so if you are feeling low why not make or buy yourself a nice meal?


For those times when the world can get to be too much, maybe some stravaiging is what you need. This means 'to wander about aimlessly' and it is certainly true that some fresh air can clear your head.

Keep the heid

You will have no doubt have heard the phrase 'keep calm and carry on' or seen it plastered on cushions or mugs. This phrase basically means the same thing — to not let circumstances get the best of you.

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Dinnae Fash Yersel

This phrase simply means 'don't worry yourself'. It is a good one to use when a loved one seems overwhelmed or stressed.


To be 'crouss' means to be happy or cheerful. It's okay to be sad but remember that things will get better and you will be crouss once again!

It’s a lang road that’s no goat a turnin.

This tells us not to lose heart when things seem bleak, as things can't go in the same direction forever. Basically, things have to change at some point — even if it's not today.

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Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye

If you miss out on an opportunity or didn't get the promotion you were hoping for, this is a great phrase to remember. Translating to 'what is for you will not go by you', it means that everything happens for a reason.

Lang may yer lum reek

Traditionally said at Hogmanay, this phrase translates to 'long may your chimney smoke'. It is an expression of good wishes that you tell someone when you wish them all the best.

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Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-06-04