Convert the time of 3:45PM on a 12/24 clock scale
Enter a time such as 12PM or 14:00
Convert 3:45 PM to
24 hour clock format
Build Hour Portion of Time:
The PM in your time signifies afternoon.
3 > 12
Add 12 to it
24 hour clock (hour) = 12 + 3
24 hour clock (hour) = 12 + 3
24 hour clock (hour) = 3
24 hour clock (hour) = 15
Build Minute Portion of Time:
Always keep the original minutes when converting from a 12 hour clock = 45
12 hour clock (hour:minute) = 15:45
Final 24 hour clock (military) time:

What is the Answer?
How does the 12 Hour Clock Conversion Calculator work?
Free 12 Hour Clock Conversion Calculator - This calculator performs the following two conversions:
1) Takes a time in 24 hour clock (military time) format and converts it to a 12 hour clock format (AM/PM)
2) Takes a time in 12 hour clock format and converts it to military time (12 hour clock format)
This calculator has 1 input.
What 5 concepts are covered in the 12 Hour Clock Conversion Calculator?
12 hour clock conversionconversiona number used to change one set of units to another, by multiplying or dividinghourUnit of time equal to 60 minutesminuteUnit of time equal to 60 secondstimea point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noonExample calculations for the 12 Hour Clock Conversion Calculator
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