
Does StubHub have hidden fees?

Shows the complete lack of transparency StubHub has regarding its pricing. “It is free to list tickets for sale, and to search for tickets to buy on StubHub. On each completed transaction, the buyer pays a 10% fee, and sellers are charged a 15% fee. For example, on the sale of a $100 ticket, the buyer would pay $110.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, how do I avoid paying fees on StubHub?You don’t have to pay Stubhub’s fees. Members of Ticket Club get the same tickets to the same events – without the massive fees charged by StubHub. It’s normally $49.99 for the first year, but we’re giving away one-year memberships for free as a special promotion. Once you join, you’ll never want to use StubHub again.Beside above, is Ticketmaster cheaper than StubHub? Stubhub has the most inventory of any reseller, but it doesn’t always have the best deals because of its fees. Ticketmaster tends to have a great selection but it also has lots of hidden fees and generally non-transparent pricing. The Ticket Exchange is a peer to peer marketplace for select sports teams. Accordingly, how much is the service fee on StubHub? I was about to buy two tickets to a sporting event, advertised for $175 each, and notice that the service fee was almost $50 per ticket! This is shameful really. StubHub is gouging both the seller and the buyer, and there’s no end in sight. I decided I’d rather do something else with the $100.Why are StubHub tickets so cheap?Because StubHub generally does not act as the primary ticket distributor in most cases, they do not have to follow any requirements to keep ticket prices at a certain level. Tickets are priced by the individual ticket sellers themselves, and so they may price tickets however high, or low, they so choose.


Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-05-11