Eight things we learnt from James Maslow's CelebMix Twitter Takeover

Earlier today, James Maslow took over our Twitter account. The singer-songwriter released his debut solo album How I Like It earlier this month and has recently been touring across Europe.
Before performing at his final stop in London, James took the time to take over our account and answer some of the many questions sent in by his fans! Here’s eight things we learnt during James’ takeover.
Hey James here taking over the celeb mix twitter! Send in your questions with #CelebmixAskjamesmaslow
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
1. ‘Get You There’ is the sexiest song from How I Like It.
you tell me…I'd probably say Get You There
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
2. James is a Tarantino fan – his favourite movie at the moment is Inglorious Basterds.
I watched inglorious bastards on the tour and was reminded of how good it is
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
3. If he could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, he’d pick Elvis…we’re all shook up.
Elvis ? would be fun
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
4. If James could duet with any animal, he’d pick a dragon.
a dragon cuz we b spitting fire ?
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
5. James is a tequila man, therefore he is definitely our kind of man!
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
6. James is also a multi tasker – we think he did pretty well!
I'm literally line checking the stage at the same time for tonight's show haha sort
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
7. During his tour, James met a fan who has a full size metal cut out of him!
met a fan who had a full size metal cut out of me…pretty memorable haha will post soon
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
8. ‘This House’ was the hardest album song to write.
tough question…this House was rewritten a couple of times and took the longest for sure
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
A huge thank you to James Maslow for taking over our Twitter! Make sure you keep up to date with him on Twitter and Facebook.
How I Like It is available to download and stream now.
Ok guys back to werk! Tweet me any more questions @jamesmaslow Thanks for tuning in on this twitter takeover!!! Xoxo, JM
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
London, you are loving @jamesmaslow tonight ??? pic.twitter.com/UEPdsQDtOg
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
That's a wrap. Thanks for tuning in and showing @jamesmaslow the love ?? pic.twitter.com/3FXqLGqeIJ
— CelebMix (@CelebMix) March 23, 2017
Did James Maslow answer your question? Let us know on Twitter @CelebMix