
How to assist in recovering Combat Caches

Fortnite has issued another set of weekly quests as they ramp up for the end of Chapter 4 Season 3 and the beginning of Season 4. It's a perfect time for players to get some last-minute XP and continue unlocking all that the battle pass has to offer them. This week, one such challenge is to assist in recovering combat caches.

That may sound extremely difficult, but it's not that tough to accomplish. Here's how you can complete this particular quest in Chapter 4 Season 3.

Fortnite challenges: Assist in recovering combat caches

Step 1: Wait for a combat cache to show up on the island

Combat caches come in later and drop from rifts in the sky. (Image via Epic Games)

Combat caches do not spawn on the ground when the game starts. In Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, they are effectively as random as supply drops. At one point during the game, a combat cache will drop in from a rift in the sky. Everyone on the island will know about it and its location will be marked on the map.

Until that happens, there's really nothing you can do. Ideally, you will want to start in the middle of the map so that you can easily get to wherever the cache lands.

Step 2: Head toward the combat cache

Sprint to the combat cache as soon as it lands. (Image via Epic Games)

When the combat cache lands, everyone is going to go for it. This will cause a lot of conflicts, so it's best to get there as soon as possible. Sprint there and if you're close enough, you might get there earlier than everyone else. For this reason, it's good to do this challenge in Squads, Trios, or at least Duos. You can have your teammates either protect you or help you open the cache.

Step 3: Open the cache

Open the cache in Chapter 4 Season 3 (Image via Fortnite Events)

In Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, caches don't open immediately, but they do so after interacting for a short amount of time. If you can open it, open it. This will count for the challenge. The more people that engage in opening the cache, the more will be considered as "assisting" which is all the challenge requires.

Fortnite gamers need to do this three times to complete the challenge. Therefore, once you've done the above steps, you will have to repeat them twice over to fully satisfy the game. Then, you will be given 30K XP to go to the current season's battle pass.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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Update: 2024-04-25