
How to earn the Merciless medal in COD Mobile

Like almost every shooter game, COD Mobile includes a system of displaying a player's credibility and skillset through achievements, titles, and medals. In COD Mobile, there are several medals that the players can earn, each of which has some prerequisites to fulfill before they can be earned. These can either be a single task or a series of tasks to complete.

There are a total of 85 medals present in COD Mobile right now for players to acquire in-game. The Merciless medal is one such medal and needs much patience to earn.

This article takes a look at how to earn the merciless medal in COD Mobile.

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How to get the Merciless medal in COD Mobile?

The Merciless medal is one of the killstreak medals present in the Multiplayer section of the game. This medal can only be earned in the Multiplayer mode and not in the battle royale mode.

Earning merciless medals is not as easy as it seems. It requires the player to kill 10 enemies consecutively without dying in a single match.

To receive the medal, a player may follow these steps:

  • Select the Multiplayer Mode in COD Mobile and gather a squad, either with friends or random teammates.
  • Equip their loadout of choice.
  • The player must then select any of the available multiplayer maps and start the game.
  • Kill 10 enemies consecutively without dying to earn the medal.
Acquiring Merciless medal in COD Mobile (Image via: Ron Gaming)

Earning the merciless medal in COD Mobile is a pretty tough job for beginners and intermediate players as it requires solid mechanical skills and map awareness.

It is recommended for players to use high tier guns and recoil optimizing loadout to maximize their chances of increasing the killstreak. Players can also use Operator Skills, grenades, trip mines, EMPs, etc to gain an advantage over the enemy and accumulate more and more kills consecutively.

The video below explains the process of earning a Merciless medal in COD Mobile.

Earning the medal may take many matches. Getting it is not an easy task for most players. Making sure you're equipped with the right weapon, being aware of the enemy's location on the map, and utilizing killstreaks and Operator Skills will go a long way when trying to rack up the required number of kills.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the thoughts of the writer, and what may seem to be an easy achievement for one may not be the case for the other.

Also read: COD Mobile: How to get free rewards through the Pawn Takes Pawn event?

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Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-05-22