Latest on Packers RB for Week 12 Fantasy Football
When Aaron Jones has been on the field, he has been very productive. The issue is that he has hardly been on the field this year. He's missed plenty of games, and he's had trouble finishing the ones he's active for. After having to come out of the latest game, fantasy managers and fans are seeing their concerns grow.
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Aaron Jones suffered what looked like a nasty knee injury on Sunday. During the first half, he limped to the sideline before being carted off shortly thereafter. However, both Jones and the coaching staff believe he might have dodged a bullet on this one.
Jones said via Sports Illustrated:
“Definitely [better than I feared], but we haven’t done an MRI or anything. Got to go do that first. But definitely (could have been) a lot worse. The initial pain and all that was worse than I thought it was going to be.”Green Bay Packers head coach Matt LaFleur added that he doesn't see it as a long-term problem:
"I don’t think it’s long-term. Certainly, I think it really looked bad. I was really concerned just seeing it live. I didn’t see a replay or anything, but seeing it live it did not look good. But he’s in good spirits in there and so, hopefully, it’s just a short-term deal.”The Packers also lost rookie running back Emmanuel Wilson, so AJ Dillon, who is also questionable, is the only back in line to play on Thursday's Thanksgiving Day slate of games.
What happened to Aaron Jones?
On a first-down run in the second quarter, Aaron Jones got his left knee stuck underneath him as he was being pushed backwards by the Los Angeles Chargers’ defense. The star running stayed down on the field for a few minutes and was only able to limp off the field with the help of the trainers. He went straight into the blue tent to be examined.
By the time the two-minute warning rolled around, the cart was brought out and he put a towel over his head and waved to the fans as he was taken away. Initially ruled Questionable to return, he was ruled out after halftime.
When will Aaron Jones come back?
Despite the injury not being as bad as Aaron Jones nor Matt LaFleur initially thought it would be, there's still a good chance the running back misses some time. He did not practice on Monday.
Given the fact that their next game is Thanksgiving Day against the Detroit Lions, it's highly unlikely that Jones will be able to go. A quick turnaround is difficult to get by for any player who's banged up, let alone one dealing with a potentially serious knee injury.
UPDATE: Jones is expected to miss the Week 12 Thanksgiving game.
However, if the injury isn't a torn ACL or something of that nature, then the extended rest between that game and the Week 13 matchup with the Kansas City Chiefs gives him a good chance of returning then.
Until his MRI is complete and the full extent of the injury is revealed, an accurate timeline is not available. However, it certainly doesn't look good for Jones' short-term prospects.
Update on Aaron Jones injury: As per recent reports, Jones is most likely to miss the Week 12 game.
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