
Lynne Spears seeking film deal for family biography Through the Storm

Lynne Spears’ book, Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World, wasn’t the tell-all that many were hoping for, and it wasn’t as much of a success as was expected, either. The book may get a boost from Lynne’s plan to make it into a movie. Britney’s mom is said to be working to bring the book to the big screen:

Lynne Spears’ highly-anticipated book “Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World” may not have been the huge hit she was hoping for, however that apparently hasn’t stopped the high-profile mama from shopping it around for a film deal.

According to an inside source, Lynne has busily been exploring options to have the personal recount of her family’s life in the limelight slam onto the screen. Although we’re told that after Britney decided to launch her career comeback mama Spears stopped doing press for the publication to avoid any potential problems that may cause the songstress a setback. In fact we’re told by a source close to the Spears family that she has pretty much avoided contact with the book’s Christian publishers, Thomas Nelson, altogether over recent months in order to lay low.

A rep for Spears was not immediately available for comment.

[From FoxNews.com]

The impression I got from Lynne Spears while she was doing press for the book is that she refused to take responsibility for her daughters at all, and just kind of claimed that everything happened without warning and she dealt with it as best as she could. Many reviewers on Amazon have a similar opinion of her book, although some say that it was a fun read and they came away with a better understanding of Lynne and everything her family went through. (It’s worth noting that the publisher sent 200 copies of the book to Christian bloggers, which seems to have skewed the reviews in a positive direction.)

It’s hard to tell if Lynne will be successful having the book made into a movie during these tough economic times. People are interested in Britney and teen mother Jamie Lynn, and it’s a compelling true life tale that a large portion of America is familiar with. She may very well get the film deal she’s seeking, although it seems more suited to a melodramatic movie of the week than a feature length film.

Lynne Spears is shown at LAX on 1/22/09. Credit: Bauergriffin



Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-06-01