Solo T Y Yo by Shadow Blow & Yailin La Mas Viral from Dominican Republic

"Solo Tú Y Yo" Facts
"Solo Tú Y Yo" has reached 8.1M total views, 197.2K likes, and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on 21/04/2023 and spent 16 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Solo Tú Y Yo" is "YAILIN LA MAS VIRAL ❌ SHADOW BLOW - SOLO TÚ Y YO (VISUALIZER)".
"Solo Tú Y Yo" has been published on Youtube at 18/04/2023 07:00:09
"Solo Tú Y Yo" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Yailin La Mas Viral, Shadow Blow - Solo Tú y Yo (Visualizer)
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#YailinLaMasViral #ShadowBlow #SoloTuyYo
© 2023 Iris Live Music, LLC
Delta Gatti
Update: 2024-05-14