9 Gothic Inspired Instagram Accounts To Follow For Some Major Witchy And Magical Style Inspo

Autumn has always been my favorite season, not only for the slightly cool weather, beautiful, colorful foliage, and pumpkin-spiced everything, but also because it is the time of year when I can indulge my dark, gothic, witchy side when it comes to fashion. But the "Season of the Witch" is no longer reserved for the autumn months surrounding Halloween — these days, gothic inspired fashion and accessories are something to embrace all year round.
I'll be honest: I've always been one of those girls who reads tarot cards, lights candles by the full moon, knows the history of witches and witchcraft, reads books with dark, romantic themes, listens to gothic music, loves hunting for antiques, and genuinely enjoys taking long walks through graveyards (beaches are seriously overrated). I've always felt strongly connected to nature and have a love for all things magical, and I express this through my personal tastes and sense of style.
One of the things I love so much about a gothic, witchy sense of dress is how it can transcend into and compliment so many different looks (like bohemian, grunge, punk, and pinup, to name a few). Sometimes all it takes is putting on a big, black hat, throwing on a crystal necklace, or painting on a black pout to add some witchy flare to your everyday look.
If you're like me, you check your social media every day, several times a day — er, several times an hour, even (don't judge me). My social media platform of choice is the notorious Instagram, where I can constantly flip through endless photos of people's lunches, cats, and, of course, selfies. But it's also a place where my love for all things witchy and gothic gives me daily inspiration. So if you're a fellow witch-bitch-babe like I am, here are nine totally magical Instagram accounts that you should follow for some gorgeously gothic inspo:
1. Gypsy Warrior
OK guys, this is one of my favorite stores, ever. This company continuously comes out with amazing items that are witchy, bohemian, and quirky. They have everything from fashion (straight sizes only, unfortunately), jewelry, and accessories to cool little things for your home. Just take my money already.
2. Vargadottir
This woman describes herself as an "old wolf in human clothes" and her account is filled with beautiful photos of nature, animals, and lovely, witchy things she has in her home — not to mention her beautiful selfies.
3. Alyssapandaeyes
This body positive witch babe serves us curvy, goth princess some realness. Her account features lots of gorgeous, long mermaid hair and some absolutely amazing fashion photos of gothic, witchy outfits that are quite literally to-die-for.
4. Evil Pawn Jewelry
This woman makes the most devastatingly gorgeous jewelry, all hand-crafted with magic and love. Not only is the jewelry absolutely lovely, but the woman behind the jewelry is truly a gem in herself. A glowing goddess who has so much love and respect for nature, but also celebrates and supports body positivity and spreads her love through her work.
5. Parlourghosts
This account is just pure eye candy for those with gothic style tastes. Filled with photos of black cats, taxidermy, gothic architecture, and some lovely antiques she possesses in her own home, all brilliantly photographed. This account simply screams divine.
6. Poison Apple Print Shop
This shop is "inspired by witchcraft, magic, and the occult" and contains some beautiful artwork, clothing, patches, and jewelry that are an absolute dream to behold. Again, always photographed beautifully.
7. Helenanderz
This U.K.-based blogger has a gorgeous style that floats between bohemian, grunge, rock 'n roll, and witchy. Her ensembles are always gorgeously thrown together and I really love having her photos show up on my feed.
8. KillStar Co.
This "clothing company with a twist of darkness" is another one of my favorites. Its clothing comes in straight-sizes only, but they also have some fantastic accessories. This brand tends to run a little more on the "punk" side of the gothic witch scale, and is very bold, loud, and proud.
9. The Golden Tooth
This Scottish artist and jeweler has some truly beautiful photos of crystals, candles, tarot cards, and nature on her account, alongside some absolutely lovely witchy jewelry for sale.
Images: khaleesidelrey, gypsywarrior, vargadottir, alyssapandaeyes, evil_pawn_jewelry, parlourghosts, poisonappleprintshop, helenanderz, killstarco, thegoldentooth/Instagram
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