
5 best flying tames on ARK Lost Island in 2022

ARK Lost Island is one of the best sandbox survival games of all time. Currently, fans are hyped about the launch of the Fjordur DLC and ARK 2.

With new maps launching every now and then, it is never too late to get into this title. In ARK Lost Island, survivors have to collect resources, build bases, craft materials, fight dangerous creatures, and tame various dinosaurs to level up. There are various tames suited to each specific needs.

Some tames are best suited for transportation, while others are for carrying goods, collecting resources, nursing baby dinos, attacking bases, farming materials, etc. There are also different creatures for land, water, and aerial modes of transportation.

Flying tames are among the most useful tames for players of every level. From the beginning to the end of the game, they are required to stay clear of wild land creatures, carry dinos, fight enemies, and carry goods.

Five most useful flying tames on ARK Lost Island

1) Argentavis

Argentavis or Argy is one of the most helpful flying tames on ARK Lost Island. Due to their efficiency in almost every task, these creatures are called the 'Jack of All Trades'.

With a skilled rider, Argentavis can play the roles of war mount, alpha slayer, transporter, and tame companion.

Though Argys are slow flyers, their stamina is almost three times more than any flying creature. They can support the weight of up to two riders, and last but not least, their saddle also works as a mobile crafting station.

Argentavis is available in Corsair Peaks on the Lost Island map.

2) Griffin

Griffins are creatures straight out of Greek mythology, portrayed as lions with the head and wings of a bird of prey. These creatures are tough to find and non-breedable.

First introduced in the Ragnarok DLC, Griffins can be found in the Mount Bin Da area of the ARK Lost Island map. Once tamed, they can be a great carrier, aerial firing platform, Wyvern egg collector, and taming assistant.

3) Wyvern

There are three types of Wyvern in ARK Lost Island: Fire Wyvern, Ice Wyvern, and Poison Wyvern. Inspired by European legends, Wyverns have two legs, a scaled body, and leathery wings.

Fire Wyverns are usually found in shades of red, Poison Wyverns in shades of green, and Ice Wyverns in blue. On the Lost Island map, Fire and Poison Wyverns usually spawn at the Wyvern Trench (30, 60) and Ice Wyverns in the Corsair River area (33, 35).

Depending on the variant, Wyverns can spew different projectiles from a gland inside their mouths.

4) Quetzalcoatlus

Quetzalcoatlus, or more commonly Quetzals, are one of the biggest avians of Lost Island. Despite their enormous size, these creatures are very meek, usually fleeing when attacked.

Quetzals are rarely found in the central part of the ARK Lost Island map. But if survivors somehow manage to tame one, Quetzals can be used as levitating platforms.

Quetzals are also excellent goods and tame carriers. They can even carry Therizinosaur and Ankylosaurus. This avian creature also comes in handy as an aerial shooting platform when battling or taming.

5) Pteranodon

Pteranodon is usually every survivor's first flying tame, and these giant pterosaurs are the quickest flying creatures in the game. They have a long crest and beak filled with sharp teeth and bat-like wings.

Usually, Pteranodons are very calm creatures and fly away once attacked. Still, players can knock one down using a slingshot or bow. Pteranodons are found in abundance throughout the entire ARK Lost Island map. A tamed Pteranodon is a handy flying mount early in the game.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

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